Sunday, 31 August 2008

Homosexual Activists Target California Businesses That Support Pro-marriage Proposition

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski

CALIFORNIA, August 29, 2008 ( - An upstart homosexual rights group in California has begun to target not only individuals, but also companies to which they are connected, if they have contributed money to committees that support Proposition 8, the ballot initiative to ban same-sex "marriage" in California.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Californians Against Hate, a new homosexual-rights group, intends to identify and publicize corporate connections to individuals that make significant donations.

Fred Karger, who runs the homosexual group, said he will compile and publish a list which includes the donor's name, employer and the corporate logo of that employer, even if the company itself didn't donate to the Proposition 8 fight.

An example given in the WSJ report involves William Bolthouse, a California philanthropist, who donated $100,000 in March to support Proposition 8.

Calls and emails began to be received by the corporate offices of a company that bears his name, even though he sold it three years earlier.

"I'm not connected to Bolthouse Farms at all," said Mr. Bolthouse.

Jeffrey Dunn, chief executive of Bolthouse Farms, which produces bottled juice, said, "It wasn't us, it's not our fault."

Mr. Dunn said Bolthouse Farms' profits were not affected by the publicity and that his company has made an effort to correct wrong information on blogs that said Mr. Bolthouse still owned a large portion of the company.

Another individual, whose business was targeted by homosexuals in a call-in campaign after he and his family donated $300,000 to support Proposition 8, said the effort was "stupid" and totally ineffectual.

Terry Caster, the owner of A-1 Storage, a self-storage company based in San Diego, said he received a few phone calls a day that petered out after several weeks, and his business wasn't affected.

"To tell a business owner that they can't express their beliefs on an issue is a really stupid thing," said Mr. Caster

Both sides contending this issue see the outcome of Proposition 8 as pivotal in determining which way other states in the US may go in extending marriage rights to homosexuals.


Jemdude's comments:
Homosexuals are the only ones that seem to claim that disagreement equals hate. This is not the case. For example, I can respect a Muslim without being accused of "hate" just because I do not accept Allah and Muhammad as a prophet. I can also respect a co-worker who lives in a common law relationship without having to agree that such a relationship is right. So why do people practicing homosexuality believe that a person who doesn't support their agenda is hating them?

Sunday, 17 August 2008

The Truth about Radical Islam

Listen to this 1 hour video clip:


Friday, 15 August 2008

Washington Times Op-ed—Teens Challenged to do Hard Things

by J. Michael Smith
HSLDA President

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “teenager”? For many, it is not positive.

Teenage rebellion has become commonplace, and our culture has responded by expecting less and less of teenagers. But is teenage rebellion inevitable, or are there new ways of thinking that could address the problem? Responsibility for teenage rebellion and underperformance must fall primarily at the feet of parents and other adults. This is because our current expectations for teenagers provide very little challenge.

Alex and Brett Harris, 19-year-old homeschooled twins, are trying to give adults and teens a wake-up call. In their book, Do Hard Things, they attempt to explode the myth of adolescence. They show that prior to the early 20th century, people were either children or adults. Family and work were the primary occupations of the group we now call “teenagers.” Teens, though it was often driven by economic necessity, were given real-world responsibility. Today, few teens are expected to imitate responsible adults, but are rather immersed in a frivolous peer culture.

The Harris twins are not the only writers to question the conventional wisdom about teenagers. Robert Epstein, a longtime researcher in psychology who received his doctorate from Harvard, has exposed the myth of the teen brain in his book, The Case Against Adolescence: Rediscovering the Adult in Every Teen. He argues against the common belief held in the scientific community that an incompletely developed brain accounts for the emotional problems and irresponsible behavior of many teenagers.

Mr. Epstein shows the differences in the teen brain are the result of social influences, rather than the cause of teen turmoil. He concludes that a careful review of the research shows the teen brain we read about in the headlines—the immature brain that is supposedly the cause of teen problems—is nothing less than a myth.

For example, if the teen brain was really fundamentally different from an adult brain, then we would see similar patterns of teenage rebellion throughout history. We do not. Teens in other cultures, and our own until the early 20th century, held responsible positions and were expected to imitate adults rather than children.

Mr. Epstein says teens are extraordinarily competent, even if they do not normally express that competence. Also, long-standing studies of intelligence, perceptual abilities and memory function show that teens are in many instances far superior to adults.

Mr. Epstein concludes that the peer culture of teens, where they learn virtually everything they know from one another, rather than from people they are about to become, is the cause of the problems we see today. Almost all teens are isolated from adults and wrongly treated like children.

What is the solution? When teens are treated like adults, they almost immediately rise to the challenge. Parents must trust their teens by giving them more and more responsibility, accompanied with the proper mentoring. This is a strong admonition to parents and adults to challenge our teens to act more like adults rather than traditional teens.

The Harris twins are giving direction to the teens to become productive. By first exploding the teen myth, they inform teens they are capable of much more than is usually expected of them and that adults have completely underestimated their talents and abilities. They challenge teens to join the “rebelution,” which is a revolution against rebellion, and spell out five steps to responsibility for teens.

First, teens should “do hard things” that take them out of their comfort zone. Second, teens should go beyond what is expected or required of them. Third, teens should attempt tasks that are too big to be done alone to learn teamwork and collaboration. Fourth, teens should do things that don’t pay off immediately. These are the unexciting things that may seem like an endless round of chores that go without recognition. These chores, however, build character. Finally, teens should stand up for their beliefs even if the majority opposes them.

Do Hard Things is a book for teens and their parents. I firmly believe this book, if taken seriously by the current generation of teens and their parents, could prove to be one of the most life-changing and culture-changing books of this generation.

Michael Smith is the president of the Home School Legal Defense Association. He may be contacted at (540)338-5600; or send email to


Jemdude's comments:

This is why I do not agree with the saying "kids should be kids as long as possible". Teenagers in the past were part of adulthood; not childhood and this is something that western culture doesn't understand.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Homosexual British Police Officers Acquitted After Getting Caught with Child Porn

Movie and still images found at their shared home and in work files and laptop

By Hilary White

LONDON, August 14, 2008 ( - A pair of homosexual police "partners" have been cleared of charges of possession of child pornography, both in their shared home and on the computers used in their work. The jury of eight women and four men at Southwark Crown Court returned unanimous not guilty verdicts on all six charges.

Prosecutor Tim Hunter had told the court, "The case is that the images on the disk are illicit or illegal and they didn't seem to relate to a professional task."

Early this year, colleagues discovered pornographic images of children on computer disks used by Graham Ferguson, a detective with the London Metropolitan Police, and Gerard Collins, a British Transport Police officer. Ferguson, 41, worked in the Professional Standards Directorate of London Metropolitan Police, the office charged with investigating other officers for misconduct.

The discovery prompted a search of the home the two men shared where more images were found on disks and a laptop computer, with some of the material being hidden under the bed. The disk from the officer's filing cabinet contained 57 paedophile film files and one still image. The material found in the officers' home included 25 indecent images and the CD contained two images. The laptop held a movie file and a single image.

Ferguson's superior believed that none of the images were part of any investigation Ferguson might have been conducting. In total, DC Ferguson was charged with possession of more than 80 indecent images of children.

The two policemen denied knowing there were pornographic images of children on their computer discs. Collins, 27, claimed that it may have got onto his computer inadvertently when he was doing an overnight "bulk download" of material from a general gay pornography website. This, despite the insistence of the homosexual community that homosexuality has no connection to paedophilia. He denied being attracted to children, saying he preferred older men.

The two police officers reportedly burst into tears and embraced in the dock after being cleared.

The use of child pornography and the interest of homosexuals in children and adolescents are well documented, despite the vociferous denials of homosexual political activists.

In 1990, the Journal of Homosexuality, a peer reviewed academic journal that publishes research into same-sex attraction and examines homosexual practices, produced a special double issue devoted to adult-child sex, entitled "Male Intergenerational Intimacy".

In one article, a writer said that a "loving" paedophile can offer "companionship, security and protection" and that parents should look upon a paedophile who loves their son "not as a rival or competitor, not as a thief of their property, but as a partner in the boy's upbringing, someone to be welcomed into their home..."

A British university professor wrote in the same issue, "Boys want sex with men, boys seduce adult men, the experience is very common and much enjoyed".

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Gay friendly University endorses Pedophiia

Read it for yourself! This is part of the links section of a homosexual activist website section of the University of Calgary.
