Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Lesbian Gangs Raping Young Girls, Some Attacked in School Washrooms

Here is some news footage that politically correct people do not want you to know about about.

I'll put the disclaimer that this doesn't represent the entire homosexual community as a whole. So please don't write in claiming that's what I'm trying to do.

I would be interested in knowing what the homosexual community plans to do about groups like this?

Video 1

Video 2

full article


Alex said...

The original report you link to is mostly lies. Here's an analysis by a group that has actually contacted the police departments in the places where these attacks supposedly took place:

The report you link to says that "there are some 150 such gangs in the DC area alone" and yet the DC gang task force reports that there are only 150 to 175 gangs of all types in the DC area. Are we to believe that all of the gangs in DC are made up of lesbians?

Also, for the only actual gang-related attack referenced in the videos you post, two out of three of those people arrested were male. Since when were lesbians male? (The other attacks he talked about either have no police record of ever happening at all, or they were not gang-related.)

Finally, the man who gave O'Reilly all this information is not a law enforcement or gang activity expert - he's a food safety specialist (working primarily for the American Institute of Baking) who was kicked off the DC police force years ago for using drugs.

It does indeed affect the reputation of the homosexual community when you spread lies. I hope you can apologize for doing this.

Jemdude said...

Oh, but this is the truth as the Lifesitenews.com article reports.

NBC10 report from Philadelphia in 2004 titled "Students fear 'lesbian gang' at school" noted DTO members were harassing other students. Young female students were interviewed for the report and told of being bullied to becoming lesbians, of being groped and harassed in gym and girls bathrooms. (see the NBC10 report: http://www.nbc10.com/news/2857417/detail.html )

Violence by gays and lesbians is largely underreported in the mainstream media. In 2004, a report by REAL Women Canada pointed out that homosexual parenting would be harmful to children. One of the points made in the report speaks of "a higher rate of violence in lesbian and homosexual relationships than in married, heterosexual relationships."

"A study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence examined conflict and violence in lesbian relationships," says the report. "The researchers found that 90% of the lesbians surveyed had been recipients of one or more acts of verbal aggression from their intimate partners during the year prior to this study, with 31% reporting one or more incidents of physical abuse." The findings, says REAL Women are verified by other studies. (see the full report: http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2004/apr/040428c.html )

Alex said...

I repeat: the Lifesite article claims that there are 150 lesbian gangs in DC - how can that be true if there are only 150 to 175 gangs of all types? Can you answer this question?

As for the behavior of the girls in Philadelphia, this behavior sounds almost exactly the same as what heterosexual bullies do to kids they perceive as gay - they make sexually suggestive comments to them and even grope them. There's no evidence that this group of students were actually lesbians and not just using anti-gay language as a general bullying tactic. (And to call it harassment or even groping "rape" is an insult to rape victims.)

Regardless, you'll note that the problem was dealt with within the school through a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and has not been reported again since that time. Unfortunately, too many family values and Christian organizations often oppose anti-harassment and anti-bullying policies in schools, especially when these policies involve sexual orientation. It has been gay-rights groups who have been at the forefront of demanding that schools implement anti-harassment policies that prevent students from being harassed based on their sexual orientation, whether that orientation is straight or gay.

That's what the homosexual community not only has planned to do but has actually done about groups like this.

Jemdude said...

If Fox News is incorrect about their number of homosexual gangs, then I'd suggest that you sent your complaint to them instead of me. If they put up a correction, then I'll be happy to link it here. But even if they are wrong, this doesn't affect the main point of their story.

As for "zero tolerance policy of harassment" policies, the real targets are anybody who says anything negative about homosexuality; not these types of gangs. It also doesn't do much good when the harassment takes place outside the school property. Besides, what these Lesbian rape gangs are already against the law, so there's no need for some kind of special policy on this.

The link of the second interview included members of the GTA gang who admitted the younger generation are doing these things so these things are really happening.

Alex said...

If Fox News is incorrect about their number of homosexual gangs, then I'd suggest that you sent your complaint to them instead of me. If they put up a correction, then I'll be happy to link it here.

The original source of the 150 number has issued an apology and correction here: http://www.rod007.com/

As for "zero tolerance policy of harassment" policies, the real targets are anybody who says anything negative about homosexuality; not these types of gangs.

Obviously you didn't read the NBC10 article you told me to read. It said that the school was using the zero tolerance policy to address this issue. Later articles show that the girls in DTO were actually expelled from school. If this behavior does disturb you, then why do you oppose the very policy that has been used to successfully stop it?

If students who disagree with homosexuality are being prosecuted for harassment, then perhaps they should stop being so aggressive that their behavior is abusive. These policies exist because some students were being verbally and physically assaulted for years and the teachers refused to intervene. Do you really think this is acceptable? If there's no need for a special policy, then why did it take lawsuits to stop the abuse?

The link of the second interview included members of the GTA gang who admitted the younger generation are doing these things

According to my link, that TV station later apologized and said that there was no police evidence that any actual assaults of young girls ever happened. Are you going to believe the police department or are you going to believe violent criminals interviewed in prison?

Frankly, prison is where anyone who commits sexual assault, whether gay or straight, should be. I'm not the one arguing that abuse or harassment should be ignored - that's why I support zero-tolerance policies in schools and prison sentences for rapists.

Jemdude said...

Obviously you didn't read the NBC10 article you told me to read. It said that the school was using the zero tolerance policy to address this issue. Later articles show that the girls in DTO were actually expelled from school. If this behavior does disturb you, then why do you oppose the very policy that has been used to successfully stop it?

If students who disagree with homosexuality are being prosecuted for harassment, then perhaps they should stop being so aggressive that their behavior is abusive. These policies exist because some students were being verbally and physically assaulted for years and the teachers refused to intervene. Do you really think this is acceptable? If there's no need for a special policy, then why did it take lawsuits to stop the abuse?

Actually, I didn't say to read the NBC10 article. That was part of the quote from Lifesitenews.com

I don't have a problem with sexual harassment policies, but I do have a problem with homosexual specific policies that penalize religious beliefs and differences of opinions against homosexuality and not real harassment; but I don't want to go this subject in a big way.

There may have been errors in the reporting, but the lesbian gangs do exist and are dangerous. I don't see any link that says that these gangs do not exist.

Alex said...

There may have been errors in the reporting,

And yet you still haven't put a correction on your blog post as you said you would be "happy" to do.

but the lesbian gangs do exist and are dangerous. I don't see any link that says that these gangs do not exist.

That's correct, but they exist in tiny numbers. The DC police gang taskforce says that of the 150-175 DC area gangs, only one of them was lesbian (a far bigger problem is that more than 140 of these gangs are made up exclusively of young heterosexual males - how should the heterosexual community respond to this?). And there's no reliable evidence that any of these gangs are "raping young girls", despite the title of your post. Given their small numbers, I don't see why you think that lesbian gangs need special treatment or attention. Even the original source for these reports has backed off of his original alarmist rhetoric and said, in the link I provided in my last message:

I mentioned in the segment that there is this "national epidemic" of lesbian gangs. A better choice of words would have been to say that there is a growing concern nationally, and especially in major urban areas, of increased gang activity, which includes some lesbian gang activity.

In other words, gang activity is the problem, and should be punished with the full force of the law. The fact that a few of those punished might be lesbians is irrelevant - they deserve the same prosecution and sentencing as any other gang member.

Your post does raise an interesting issue - why is it that Christians are so willing to embrace obviously faulty numbers or to completely make things up (as the woman interviewed for the WPTY report had done, and for which she had to be reprimanded by her police department after the fact) just to make gay people look even worse? You've posted about how it is a lie when gay pride parade attendance appears to be inflated by a factor of four - why isn't it a lie when lesbian gang activity is inflated by a factor of one hundred and fifty? Why is it so hard for you to admit when your posted article turns out to be mostly false? You said yourself that easily verified truth should not be blocked by political correctness - you should beware of applying your own brand of inverse political correctness and refusing to acknowledge even basic common sense. Remember 1 Thessalonians 5:21 - "Test all things and hold fast to that which is good." You should not be a mere mechanical transmitter of other people's falsehoods and errors and should instead be more willing to "test all things".

(And, speaking of your political correctness post, I'd also appreciate it if when you delete one of my comments as you did in the bug-chasing thread, that you at least give a reason why - if you can't bring yourself to honor my freedom of speech, you could at least justify your censoring of my writings.)

Christains claim to speak the Truth, but so often things are wrapped so many errors, inaccuracies, and even lies that the Truth as completely buried and obscured. Obviously, this is bad for the Christian community - it tarnishes your overall reputation and makes people discount any real points you might raise. In the long run, it can destroy your group's credibility, like it did with the little boy who cried wolf.

What do you think the Christian community should do about this problem?

Jemdude said...

Alex, I did not delete the link you provided so it's there for those who want to see it.

I don't need to lie about the homosexual community when the truth provides so much dirt. Much of what I say about the homosexual community are actions they themselves are doing. So if homosexuals and their supporters don't like what I'm reporting, then they should tell those people I'm reporting not to do those things. That way, I'll have nothing to report.

The error in the number of gangs is just a technicality. The gangs do exist and they did the crimes, and it's true that they exist in other cities. The main emphasis was on the gang activity; not the numbers.

This is my personal blog, so I am entitled to delete posts that I don't find suitable. I deleted the one in bug chasing because I felt you were going off topic if you really want to know. The mainstream media already provides a voice on pro-homosexual stuff, so I hardly think that your freedom of speech is threatened from my own humble little blog.

Jemdude said...

There is another thing that is being overlooked. A homosexual organization was given the opportunity to see the news story prior to it being aired on TV. If it were really false, they had their opportunity to say it then.